Project Number | Project Title | Author | Manager | |
SAP 051-613-009 | CSAH 13 Regrade | Lambertus, Lonnie | Rossow, Keith |
- Contractor question: On Plan sheet 77, each phase is labeled “Pilot Car Phase…” And S-59 of the special provisions state “Furnish at least one pilot car and driver for leading traffic through the work zone as directed by the engineer”. On sheet 77 it states to use layout 6K-25, which is for a signal system. Are we supposed to use pilot cars in addition to the signal system?
Agency response: One lane traffic is to be maintained utilizing temporary traffic control systems. However, there may be times where the contractor sequencing may require the use of pilot car operations for short periods of time.
- Contractor question: On plan sheet 79, it shows Aggregate base CL 5 placed as a Temporary driving surface. Where is this quantity tabulated? Or is it incidental?
Agency response: Temporary surfacing is to be incidental to Traffic Control.
- Contractor question: In Specification S-29 it states, “Construct a temporary bypass with aggregate surfacing to maintain traffic….” Where is this quantity tabulated? Or is it incidental?
Agency response: All temporary bypasses and aggregate surfacing needed to accommodate the contractor’s operation are to be incidental to Traffic Control.
- Contractor question: For the typicals on sheets 15 & 16, stations 48+38 to 59+91, 82+94 to 90+89, and 68+35 to74+78 there is topsoil that is placed between the riprap and the trail and between the trail and the road. Should there be an item for Topsoil Borrow since there is no excavation available in these areas?
Agency response: Topsoil material between the trail and riprap and trail and the road is to be generated and hauled from elsewhere on the project. Excess stripped topsoil will be available from trail construction from Sta 7+20 to 46+30 and from the roadway widening across the islands (Sta 46+30 to Sta 48+38.86, Sta 59+91.12 to Sta 68+35.32, Sta 74+78.30 to Sta 82+94.36 and from Sta 90+89.84 to Sta 106+68.00).
- Contractor question: Should there be a bid item for Portable Precast Concrete Barrier to protect the traveling public in some areas?
Agency response: Portable Precast Concrete Barriers may be required dependent on the contractor’s operation. The cost of the portable precast concrete barriers is to be included in Traffic Control.
- Contractor question: Are soil borings available?
Agency response: The geotechnical report completed by Braun Intertec. has been uploaded for reference. (See attachment "00672 - CSAH 13 Reconstruction Geotechnical Evaluation.pdf")
- Contractor question: Will a short-term road closure be allowed during the removal of the existing timber bridge at station 70+59?
Agency response: No, traffic must be maintained at all times. It is anticipated a temporary bypass with surfacing would be installed north of the existing bridge to maintain one lane of traffic. When the bridge was built in 1981, it was constructed half at a time. The abutment and pier caps are split and bolted together. It may be feasible to maintain traffic on the existing structure and remove half at a time. However, the contractor would be required to complete an analysis of the structure to ensure it is capable of handling traffic during construction. (See attachment "Pages from SAP 51-613-02.PDF")
- Contractor question: On plans sheets 78,79, & 80…. Does each stage need to be complete through bituminous paving before going onto the next stage, or will traffic be allowed to run on the aggregate base between phases and do all of the bituminous paving at the end?
Agency response: Utilizing aggregate surfacing to maintain traffic is acceptable. Prior to paving, the aggregate will need to be restored to a condition meeting the project requirements. Paving will need to be sequenced to maintain traffic at all times during construction.
Contractor question: I have a question regarding the 50 feet of 12x5 Box (& end section type {Type I, Type III, etc.) you will be reinstalling with the 26' of barrel bidding. Do you have a breakdown of lengths of the 50 feet. We want to be sure to figure proper amount of joint material along with the 26 feet of barrel for that item on the bid sheet.
Agency response: The end sections are type I, the 12x5 box was originally installed in 1990 and removed in 2013, the MnDOT standard plan sheets that were used at that time was Fig. 5-397.701 and .702 both dated September 18, 1985. We have (7) 6’ and (2) 4’ barrel sections for a total of 50’. You will need to also provide new tie bars for the 50’ of barrel and end sections.
Contractor question: The existing riprap, will this become property of the contractor? It appears it will not be reused on the project anywhere.
Agency response: The existing shouldering material and riprap is to be removed to a depth of 2’ below the proposed finished shoulder elevation. The remaining existing riprap is to remain in place. Removed riprap is to be pushed out and placed over the existing riprap that is to remain in place and buried with the granular embankment.
Contractor question: Taking a look at the staging on the project, I haven’t read anywhere saying whether each stage needs to be substantially complete before the next stage is started.
Agency response: Determination of the final project staging will be dependent on the contractor and their operations. The staging plan must maintain at least one lane of traffic throughout the corridor at all times and limit the length of single lane operation to the various phases shown on Sheet 77 of the plans. It is anticipated work may not be substantially complete before moving into the next stage. However, remaining work to reach substantially and final complete within each stage should not impact future traffic operations.
It came to my attention that the first few pages of the plan SAP 051-613-009 Part 1.PDF was unreadable. To fix the issue I was required to split the part 1 file into two files named part 1A and part 1B. Part 1 may still be on the site. It is the same as the other two files.
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